Privacy Policy and Personal Information Protection

At Avizo Experts-Conseils inc., we ensure the integrity of the information and data transmitted by our clients, our personnel, our interns, and potential job candidates through various platforms (Internet, email, phone, etc.), as well as the protection of personal information. The company’s representative (RPRT) is bound by confidentiality obligations under this policy.

As subject to federal and provincial laws governing the protection of personal information, including the Act to modernize legislative provisions as regards the protection of personal information, the Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector, and the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation, we are committed to protecting the information entrusted to us by our clients and prospects and to taking the necessary measures to respect their rights.

Definition of Personal Information

Personal information pertains to data about a natural person that allows for their identification. It is confidential and, with exceptions, cannot be disclosed without the consent of the person concerned.

Collection and Use of Personal Information

Personal information collected by Avizo is confidential; only authorized personnel handling client requests and employee needs have access to it. The client and employee records contain only essential information needed for:

  • Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the client’s or prospect’s needs.
  • Initiating a submission for the requested service.
  • Providing a service as needed.
  • Ensuring the traceability of information regarding employees, clients, suppliers, and processes to allow for the analysis of potential information leaks.
  • Processing payroll and benefits.
  • Ensuring proper tracking of employees’ personal information for their health and safety at work.

Personal Information Collected Specifically via the Website

Avizo’s website may collect the following personal information about its visitors: name, first name, postal address, postal code, email, phone number, organization name, organization postal address, organization postal code, organization phone number, professional email, professional phone number, job title or function within the organization.

Methods Used to Collect Personal Information and the Purposes of Collection

Avizo’s website may collect information about its visitors using contact request forms, quotation request forms, newsletter and blog update subscription forms, content download forms, comments, log files, and cookies.

The personal information collected in these various ways may be used to communicate educational information, promotional offers, and other communications related to Avizo’s projects to visitors.

Personal information collected may also be used for statistical purposes and website management. For example, for sharing testimonials and company presentations.

Log Files and Cookies

We use log files and cookies for various purposes.

The IP address, time and date of visit, and the operating system used by Avizo’s website visitors may be used to generate statistics, identify and segment visitors, present offers and quotations, offer an adapted browsing experience, and for follow-ups and service improvements.

Information Collection by Google Analytics

Anonymous and confidential information may be collected through Google Analytics to analyze traffic to Avizo’s website ( Avizo uses this data solely for the purpose of improving the quality of the services and information provided on the website through blogs and explanatory articles.


The personal information we collect is stored in a secure environment. Avizo personnel are required to respect the confidentiality of personal information collected via the website.

To ensure the security of personal information, we employ the following measures:

  • website is protected by an SSL security certificate.
  • Modification of personal information collected via the website is limited to authorized individuals.
  • Access to personal information collected via the website is limited to the individuals concerned.
  • Network monitoring and file backup are provided by a reputable IT security firm.
  • A firewall protects personal information collected via our website.

We are committed to maintaining a high degree of confidentiality by integrating the latest technological innovations to ensure the privacy of your communications. However, as no mechanism offers maximum security, there is always some level of risk when using the Internet to transmit personal information.

Information in Client Records

We strive to keep the information recorded in the client’s file up to date. If a client’s representative wishes to verify the accuracy or make changes to their personal information, they can contact the person responsible for personal information protection, whose contact details are indicated in this policy.

Client Consent

No information is collected by Avizo without the consent of the client or prospect.

Submissions and Transactions

When analyzing a client’s or prospect’s needs and preparing a submission, service offer, or contract, it is understood that our interlocutor gives us their consent, and they have also obtained the consent of all individuals concerned or mentioned in the submission or contract related to them. This consent includes the collection, storage, use, and communication of their personal information for the purposes established.

As for the use of email addresses, the company ensures compliance with the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation.

Requests for Submissions and Service Offers

When a client or prospect wishes to obtain a submission or service offer through (submission request) for the services offered:

  • They automatically consent to Avizo using their information, which may be personal, to analyze their needs and prepare a submission for the requested service.
  • They authorize Avizo to contact them by phone, email, or other means to discuss their request, provide the requested submission or service offer, promote Avizo’s services, and provide those services if applicable.
  • They understand that their email address will be used solely to respond to their request and in compliance with Canadian laws.
  • They understand that, under the Anti-Spam Law, they will have the opportunity to withdraw their consent for subsequent uses of their email address.

Online Service Subscription and Unsubscription

In accordance with the Canadian Anti-Spam Law, it is possible at any time to confirm or withdraw consent regarding the use of the email address by contacting an Avizo representative.

Working Environment at Avizo

Avizo ensures the protection of personal information for all its employees, interns, or job candidates. Legislative provisions are fully applied to promote a healthy work environment that respects the privacy of all employees.

Employee Records

We strive to keep the information recorded in the employee’s file up to date. If an employee wishes to verify the accuracy or make changes to their personal information, they can contact the human resources manager, whose contact details are provided in the employee manual.

Employee, Intern, or Job Candidate Consent

No information is collected by Avizo without the written or verbal consent of the employee, intern, or job candidate.

Privacy Protection

Avizo applies rules to protect personal information: at no time will information be made public, sold, or disclosed to third parties without the client’s consent, except to comply with a court order or respond to an authorized government agency. In such cases, we will make every effort to ensure that the client’s right to privacy is respected.

Email Communication

Avizo is not responsible for damages resulting from the interception, loss, or modification of any email sent to us.

When clients or prospects transmit information by email, this communication is not secure. Therefore, we recommend caution when sending confidential information by email.

Complaint Handling and Personal Data De-indexing

Avizo follows a process for receiving and handling complaints related to the protection of personal information. The following steps will be taken to ensure fair processing of each request:

  1. Complaint receipt: A person sends a complaint to Avizo via the email address [email protected] regarding the handling of their personal information by the company and/or requests de-indexing of their information held by Avizo.
  2. Complaint record: Avizo collects the complaint in a specific dashboard for tracking and reporting to the Access to Information Commission (Commission d’accès à l’information) upon request.
  3. Complaint assessment: The RPRT, or a person designated by them, reviews the complaint to determine if it is admissible, valid, and, most importantly, if it falls under an article of Bill 25.
  4. Investigation: If the complaint is admissible and valid, a more in-depth investigation is conducted to understand the circumstances of the incident. This may involve Avizo consulting records, speaking to staff members, or examining internal procedures.
  5. Resolution: Based on the results of the investigation, Avizo will take measures to resolve the complaint. This may involve changes to our procedures, employee training, or, in the case of de-indexing, the removal of certain information from search results.
  6. Communication: Avizo will communicate by email with the person who filed the complaint to inform them of the results of the investigation and the measures taken to address the complaint.
  7. Follow-up: Avizo performs follow-up to ensure that the measures taken are effective and that the complaint has been satisfactorily resolved.

Responsible for Policy Implementation

The person responsible for implementing this policy within Avizo is:

Mr. Charles Duguay, DGE, M. Env., Adm. A.
President and CEO
[email protected]

In this capacity, the responsible person ensures that employees and company representatives are aware of the policy statement and are trained for its proper implementation.

In accordance with the law, the responsible person oversees the creation, maintenance, and updating of a privacy incident register. Upon request by the Access to Information Commission, a report from this register is submitted to them.

Policy Information

For further information on our privacy policy and personal information protection, please contact the person responsible for personal information protection at the following email address: [email protected]


Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada

Phone: 1-800-563-2005

Email: [email protected]

25 Mozart Avenue E, Suite 201
Montreal H2S 1B1
4495, Boulevard Wilfrid Hamel, local 240
Québec G1P 2J7
1994 Michelin Street
Laval H7L 5C2
1125 Cherbourg Street
Sherbrooke J1K 0A8
330 Cormier Street
Drummondville J2C 7L9
150 Saint-Jacques Street
Granby J2G 8V6

Contact our experts

Complete this form so that our experts will contact you and offer assistance tailored to your situation.

Demande de soumission
Desired services
Sols, réhabilitation et valorisation
Natural Environments and Watercourses
Urban water
Gauging and Calibration of Measurement Equipment
Urban infrastructure and transport
Permits and Authorization

Flowmeter identification

Applicable regulations
Is it possible to vary the flow rate manually?
Is the measuring system located in an enclosed space?
Is it possible to provide us with a person who will help our technician during the job in a confined space?

Maximum file size: 2.1MB

This form is intended to collect the information necessary for us to provide you with a quality service, by giving you the information you request from us. To find out more, consult our privacy policy and protection of personal information page.