Avizo: Agility Across the Organization

Once again, Avizo’s health and well-being program has been recognized by Groupe Entreprises en Santé. This year, we achieved Enterprise Health Recognition – Level 2. We invite you to read the article below, which was dedicated to us by this organization.

Article written by Groupe Entreprises en Santé:

As part of our visibility campaign dedicated to our corporate members, we have decided to highlight our companies that have recently achieved one of the levels of Enterprise Health Recognition. This month, we present Avizo. This organization has been working in the fields of infrastructure engineering and environmental services for 30 years. They have recently added another feather to their cap: Enterprise Health Recognition – Level 2.

With a team of 90 employees, Avizo defines the strength of their expertise as follows: “We develop and implement concrete actions with our partners to measure environmental performance and improve water cycle-related infrastructure.”

Their greatest asset?

The AGILE way of working that allows teams to communicate more effectively and create large-scale projects that meet the highest standards in their field. Considering their personnel as their most valuable asset, it was only natural for Avizo to integrate the best health and well-being practices into their organizational culture.

Workout room © Avizo

The company already promoted physical and psychological health among its employees when the challenges of achieving the first level of Enterprise Health Recognition emerged in 2020. Adapting to a new virtual reality for the majority of employees who usually worked together in a common location, they redoubled their efforts to deploy activities that could be carried out in a confinement context. With an employee engagement rate of around 80% and a management team firmly convinced of the benefits of a culture where health is an integral part of shared values, the Enterprise Health Recognition project resonated with Avizo’ employees.

Interventions in the company: Inspiring initiatives!

In light of the results of the Employee Engagement survey, Avizo offered various activities to meet the needs of their employees, maintain their engagement, and allow them to build friendly relationships with colleagues outside the professional setting. The initiatives introduced in recent years were numerous:

  • Deck hockey team;
  • Nutrition and fitness challenge;
  • A shared Avizo garden: employees take care of it when they are at the office, and the harvest can be shared by all;
  • Urban beekeeping;
  • Active transportation: Avizo encourages employees to bike to work, taking advantage of nearby bike paths and indoor and outdoor bike support facilities, as well as accessible locker rooms and showers;
  • Creation of a Facebook support and sharing group;
  • Addition of equipment to the training room at the Sherbrooke head office.

Avizian community garden © Avizo

Not only do these interventions benefit all employees, but they also position Avizo positively in the job market. Already highlighting all of their initiatives at job fairs, Enterprise Health Recognition supports all their efforts and demonstrates the company’s commitment to employee health and well-being.

Bike path near the Organization © Avizo

Constant Evolution

In November 2021, the creation of the Talent Acquisition and Employer Brand Leader position allowed Roxane Forgues to join the Avizo team and ensure the continuity and improvement of the health and well-being program already in place. She explains that she uses a satisfaction survey platform that allows the organization to track monthly employee needs in various aspects: well-being, working conditions, relationships with their manager, workload, mental workload, stress, and more.

Thanks to the data collected through these regular surveys, Avizo was able to propose new activities that are favorable to the health and well-being of its employees. Among these, the organization held an internal contest in the fall to encourage people to get outside and be active despite the return of cold and gray weather.

Another innovation is the hybrid work model, which has also been adopted at Avizo, as in many other organizations. With the organization’s desire to remain flexible and agile, employees have the option to telecommute 2, 3, 4, or even 5 days a week, depending on individual needs. This formula seems to be particularly suitable for all employees.

Communication Day © Avizo

Roxane Forgues explains, “Enterprise Health Recognition allowed us to go deeper, to obtain more feedback on our activities. This feedback allows us to validate whether these activities are appreciated by employees. And when they are, it’s very motivating to go even further in our health/well-being program.” This motivation has allowed the organization to achieve Level 2 Recognition in early 2023!

In addition, she also mentions a significant increase in two important indicators:

  • The overall mobilization level of employees;
  • The net employee recommendation rate, i.e., their satisfaction, loyalty, and pride in the organization.

A Promising Future

Always interested in taking on new challenges, the Avizo team will continue its health and well-being interventions in 2023, with several major goals in mind. “We deeply wish to remain AGILE and always be ready to adapt to emerging situations and to face employee feedback. At the same time, we seek new solutions to facilitate work within the organization, based on one of our fundamental values: innovation,” says Roxane Forgues.

Avizo also aims to obtain a sustainability certification: the Eco-Responsible Certification, and perhaps even the 3rd level of Enterprise Health Recognition. There is no doubt that such a committed and agile team will make every effort to achieve its various health and well-being goals at work!

Source: Groupe Entreprises en Santé, 2023, Avizo: Agility Across the Organization. Available at : https://www.groupeentreprisesensante.com/fr/lire-l-article/avizo-experts-conseils-agilite-dans-toutes-les-spheres-de-l-organisation


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